Nordic Concrete Federation (NCF) welcomes colleagues from the Nordics, Baltic and worldwide interested in concrete research and education to the XXIV Nordic Concrete Research Symposium. The Symposium will cover all aspects of concrete related to materials, design, production, construction, use/application and sustainability.
The Research Symposia especially enable young engineers and scientists to develop their network on professional as well as personal level, but also in general stimulates research co-operation. We expect to award the Nordic Concrete Medal and NCR Best Paper Award.
Call for new papers
We welcome presentations in all areas of concrete research, both for oral presentations and posters.
We have more than 70 abstracts after the review process. The number and not at the least the quality of the contributions promises well for the Symposium and will maximize the professional and networking outcome of this event.
If you have any questions regarding participation or the extended abstract, do not hesitate to contact someone in the Organizing committee, see contact information down below.
The organizing committee very much appreciate your commitment.