Extended abstracts and Topics

Extended abstracts

Call for paper, Symposium Proceedings:
Presentations in all areas of concrete research are welcomed, both for oral presentations and posters.
– Extended abstracts will be required for the Proceedings.
– Click on the link to download writing instructions for submitting abstracts Instructions-for-authors-Stockholm

Extended abstracts authored by registered participants will be assembled in an electronic Symposium Proceedings.


In order to organize the sessions, authors are requested to indicate the main topics in the extended abstracts:
Additives, Admixtures, Aggregate, Aging, Binders, Carbonation, Chlorides, Corrosion, Cracking, Creep, Execution, Fibres, Frost Action, Knowledge and Teaching, Mix Design, Modelling, Nuclear, Reinforcement, Renovation, Repair, Rheology, SCC, Shrinkage, Structural Design, Surfaces, Sustainability, Testing.

All extended abstracts and presentations are to be provided in English.
Extended abstracts will be made available to all attendants upon registration at the venue, in digital format only.